Workshops originating from my Bachelor Thesis
 > Most notably, I led workshops at the 'Experiments in Urbanism & Design' exhibition, which focused on innovative concepts. 
 > Children and teenagers were able to explore their own needs to urban environments in a pop-up youth space
> I also had the opportunity to participate in the 50th International Games Congress, where I shared my insights and facilitated discussions.


"Chain Reaction" Workshop 
 > I have designed this workshop for students interested in studying design. One of the fundamental characteristics of design, repeated designing and discarding, is introduced in this workshop through the analogy of building and throwing over again.
> I conducted the workshop with graphic designer Sven Hummel. He filmed the chain reaction at the end, which in turn arouses the students' ambition to ensure that the chain reaction runs continuously while recording. 
Workshop "Chair for someone's garden" at the Vitra Campus
 > This workshop was led by Martin Hailer and the designer Tom Siegel. The students study fashion design, accessory design and industrial design. The framework of the workshop was designing a chair including a physical model within 3 days.
> My task was to bring an additional perspective and fresh ideas to the feedback discussions with the students.
Creative workshop with migrants 
> This one-day workshop was initiated by the association "Leerstand als Freiraum E.V." (Vacancy as open space). Together with the association and other design students, we developed a concept and implemented the workshop together. 
> The intention was to establish active contact with migrants and to create collages and models with them in relation to the urban space we live in. 

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